Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus
Citrus greening, Huanglongbing (HLB), yellow shoot disease, yellow dragon disease
Asia (Wang and Trivedi 2013)
The vector, Diaphorina citri (Asian citrus psyllid), was first discovered in Florida in 1998; the disease was first discovered in Florida in 2005; Louisiana in 2008; South Carolina and Georgia in 2009; California and Texas in 2012 (Michaud 2004; Wang and Trivedi 2013)
Possibly through illegally imported plant material (Michaud 2004)
Bacterial disease that infects citrus trees, where it shortens the lifespan of trees and reduces fruit yield and quality (Wang and Trivedi 2013)

Citrus greening symptoms (brown necrotic or aborted seeds in infected mandarin)
Photo by J.M. Bové; INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux, France
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Michaud, J.P. 2004. Natural mortality of Asian citrus psyllid (Homoptera: Psyllidae) in central Florida. Biological Control 29(2):260-269.
Wang, N., and P. Trivedi. 2013. Citrus huanglongbing: a newly relevant disease presents unprecedented challenges. Phytopathology 103(7):652-665.