Provides information about NISIC's recent Web site redesign, including benefits of the new site structure, and how site information is reorganized.
We are pleased to share our new Web site for the National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) with our users. We hope you find the new site easier to use and find the invasive species information you need. NISIC's site upgrades:
- Latest version upgrade to Drupal 10 (Aug 2, 2023); previous upgrade to Drupal 9 (Apr 20, 2022).
- New look and feel, with enhancements to functionality (Aug 7, 2020).
- Redesigned site launched in Drupal 7 (Nov 16, 2018).
Our major site upgrade initially launched in 2018 to Drupal. It had been more than 10 years since we made substantial changes and we wanted to make this site more compatible with mobile devices, improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and better tailor the content to meet your needs so you can find what you what quickly. Highlights of major site changes include:
- We migrated from a static Web site to a dynamic platform using Drupal for web content management.
- Site resources are tagged with species, geographic area, and subject and resource type, allowing users to filter Resource Search using highly refined criteria.
- Our site is designed to meet the highest standards of accessibility, including those with disabilities (
- Our site now has a responsive web design (mobile-friendly).
It’s a Work in Progress
We have reorganized content, moved from a static site to a content management system, Drupal, which now provides added functionality to our users. Because the site structure and content have changed substantially, most of our links (URLs) have changed. To see an overview of content, please use our Site Map.
If you have bookmarked pages from our site or have linked to our site content, you will need to update those links. We have created redirects where possible, but these redirects will be temporary.
Since our site first launched in 2000 (initially as, it has grown substantially and by 2018 provided almost 20,000 unique resources, which had made the site very cumbersome and time-consuming to maintain. During this redesign, the content has been reviewed and updated, and outdated content has been removed.
We’ve worked hard to launch a site that is easier to locate information. While we launched the redesigned site initially with the information we thought was the highest priority content, we will continue to add new content and update existing information to keep the information as current as possible.
Site Content
Our initial site launch includes the major content for our site -- species profiles, subject-based information, geographic information, and background invasive species information. As the staff resources in NISIC are very limited (one-person center), we plan to provide additional sections in the future as time permits. New and relevant invasive species information is continually added to the site, please see our What's New section to see items of interest.
The large numbers of invasive species prevent us from maintaining detailed information on ALL species considered to be invasive. Invasive species information we provide is as an education information tool and is not based on regulatory implications. Determining the invasiveness of a species depends on a number of local factors, including the type of habitat. An invasive species may be invasive in one part of the country, but not in another.
Our Species Profiles provide general information about species considered to be invasive. We have changed how species information was previously organized from the categories of Animals, Aquatics, Microbes, and Plants to the habitat of species. Species information is now organized by Terrestrial and Aquatics Species (with subcategories including plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, and pathogens and diseases).
Species Profiles are carefully researched and provide scientific and common names, and relevant background information in a consistent format. Profiles also include distribution/maps/survey status, federal regulatory status, images, videos, selected highly relevant resources for the species, and citations.
For consistency, our Species Profiles, Resources by Location, and Resources by Subject or Type pages all include a section for "Selected Resources" which includes highly relevant resources for that topic, organized alphabetically by title within the Source group (Council or Task Force, Federal Government, State Government, etc). Or, to display all related content, use the option to "View all resources." This link will display pre-filtered search results for that topic (Species information, Location, or Subject).
Our extensive Resource Search function enables our users to filter resources based on species-related resources by either common or scientific name, and by Subject, Resource Type, Location, or Source.
Our site is based on U.S. Web Design System principles to provide an accessible, mobile-friendly government Web site. All external links (links outside are identified with an icon at the end of the link to clearly distinguish external links from our site content.
Contact Us
If you are looking for specific information and are unable to locate it, please Contact Us for assistance. If you would like to provide feedback and/or suggestions for our Web site, please let us know.