Cynoglossum officinale L. (ITIS)
Houndstongue, Hounds tongue, gypsy flower, rats and mice, dog bur
Eurasia (Kedzie-Webb and Sheley 2017)
First discovered in 1893 (Kedzie-Webb and Sheley 2017)
Introduced accidentally through contaminated seed (Kedzie-Webb and Sheley 2017)
Infests pasture and rangeland, where it is toxic to livestock (Kedzie-Webb and Sheley 2017)

Houndstongue, flowers
Photo by Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
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Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Cynoglossum officinale. [Accessed Sep 16, 2023].
Kedzie-Webb, S. and R.L. Sheley. 2017. Houndstongue: Identification, Biology and Integrated Management [PDF, 1.0 MB]. Montana State University Extension. MontGuide MT199709AG.