Inula britannica L. (ITIS)
British yellowhead, British elecampane, meadow fleabane
Europe and Asia (Oregon Fish & Wildlife 2005)
1915 in New York; 1990 in Michigan; 2004 in Minnesota (Lehtonen and Schall 2009); 2002 in Oregon (Oregon Fish & Wildlife 2005)
Typically found in U.S. nurseries in hosta plants imported from the Netherlands (Lehtonen and Schall 2009)
Negatively impacts the cultivation of hostas. Roots of Inula britannica look very similar to hosta roots and may become intertwined with them, making it difficult to detect and control. (Lehtonen and Schall 2009)
Not currently established
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The section below contains highly relevant resources for this species, organized by source.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Inula britannica. [Accessed Mar 24, 2023].
Lehtonen, P. and R.A. Schall. 2009. Inula britannica L. (British elecampane) Weed Risk Assessment [PDF, 180 KB]. USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. 2005. Oregon Invasive Species Action Plan [PDF, 2 MB]. June 2005.