Avian paramyxovirus 1 (APMV-1) (Amarasinghe et al. 2019)
Virulent Newcastle disease (vND), Exotic Newcastle disease (END), Velogenic Newcastle disease, Asiatic Newcastle disease
First reported in Indonesia and the United Kingdom in 1926 (Brown and Bevins 2017)
First outbreak in the U.S. occurred in 1971. The disease was eradicated, but additional outbreaks have occurred in 2002-2003 and 2018. (California Department of Food and Agriculture)
Possibly through illegally imported birds; may also be introduced to domestic flocks from wild birds (Brown and Bevins 2017)
Extremely contagious and highly lethal disease of poultry; exposure can lead to mild symptoms in humans (Brown and Bevins 2017)
Virulent newcastle disease symptoms, open mouth breathing with moderate swelling of the comb and wattles
Photo by USDA, Animal and Health Inspection Service
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Amarasinghe, G.K., M.A. Ayllón, Y. Bào, et al. 2019. Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2019. Archives of Virology 164(8):1967-1980.
Brown, V.R., and S.N. Bevins. 2017. A review of virulent Newcastle disease viruses in the United States and the role of wild birds in viral persistence and spread. Veterinary Research 48:68.
California Department of Food and Agriculture. Virulent Newcastle Disease: Historical Virulent Newcastle Disease Incidents.