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Emerald Ash Borer

Scientific Name

Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 1888 (ITIS)

Common Name

Emerald ash borer (EAB)

Native To

Eastern Russia, Northern China, Japan, and Korea (McCullough and Usborne 2015)

Date of U.S. Introduction
Means of Introduction

Arrived accidentally in cargo imported from Asia (McCullough and Usborne 2015)


Ash trees lose most of their canopy within 2 years of infestation and die within 3-4 years (McCullough and Usborne 2015; Poland and McCullough 2006)

Emerald Ash Borer
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Emerald Ash Borer, Adult


David Cappaert

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  • State Asks Public to Check Trees for Invasive Pests this August

    • Aug 6, 2024
    • Washington Invasive Species Council.

    • Washington state agencies are asking for your help to check your trees for signs and symptoms of invasive insects. Damaging invasive insect species, such as spotted lanternfly, longhorned beetles, and emerald ash borer, are emerging in their adult form. ate summer is often the peak time for these invasive insects to emerge from trees in their adult stage. If you see or suspect you see an invasive insect, report a sighting.

  • The Future of Ash Trees

    • Feb 28, 2024
    • USDA. Forest Service.

    • How can an insect that is smaller than a penny cause so much ecological, economic, and cultural devastation? The emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle native to Asia, is one of the most destructive invasive species in North America. These tiny pests killed tens of millions of ash trees in the northeast – and continue to this day.

      In Maine, a coalition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers, tribal members, state and federal foresters, conservation groups, and local communities have been working for the past twenty years to prepare for the onset of emerald ash borer in northeastern forests. The group, called the Ash Protection Collaboration Across Wabanakik, is focused on identifying research-informed strategies to protect the future of ash trees.

  • Fighting Invasive Emerald Ash Borers with Woodpeckers and Citizen Scientists

    • May 24, 2022
    • USDA. Forest Service.

    • Invasive non-native insects have been called the "wildfires of the East," given the damage they cause to trees. One pest, the emerald ash borer, has killed hundreds of millions of rural and urban ash trees. To help arborists and city planners track and treat potential outbreaks, U.S. Forest Service scientists seek efficient monitoring techniques.

  • Don't Move Firewood

    • Nature Conservancy.

    • Discover the importance of using local firewood to avoid spreading harmful forest pests. The Don’t Move Firewood campaign is an outreach partnership managed by The Nature Conservancy. The overarching goal of the campaign is to protect trees and forests all across North America from invasive insects and diseases that can travel in or on contaminated firewood. The central tenet of the Don’t Move Firewood campaign is that everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread of invasive tree killing insects and diseases, through making better informed firewood choices. For more information on how you can do your part, please see Frequently Asked Questions.

      • Firewood Month Toolkit -- During Firewood Month (October), reduce firewood movement to slow the spread of forest pests and diseases via the firewood pathway.
      • Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Weed Toolkit -- During Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week (May 19-26, 2024) everyone is encouraged to take a few minutes to learn about the signs and symptoms of emerald ash borer infestation on ash trees so that the infestations can be better managed by local tree professionals and foresters.
  • The Emerald Ash Borer Story Map

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • An interactive story map of the USDA’s history of combating the infestation and the continuing efforts to protect ash trees in the U.S.
      See related resource: Data Visualization Tools to explore plant and animal health management data and interactive story maps

Distribution / Maps / Survey Status



Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this species, organized by source.

Council or Task Force
Federal Government
  • Plant Pest and Disease Program: Emerald Ash Borer

    • USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine.

  • Strategies to Manage the Loss of Ash and Elm Trees

    • USDA. FS. Northern Research Station.

    • Ash and elm trees play important roles in the U.S. economy, culture, and environment. In the eastern United States, elm (especially American elm) and ash trees are in trouble because of two threats: the emerald ash borer (an insect that attacks ash) and Dutch elm disease (caused by a fungus that sickens elms). These pests are causing ash and elm trees to die off quickly. Because elm and ash trees serve important ecological roles where they are found, the loss of these trees can lead to profound changes across urban and rural environments.

International Government
State and Local Government
  • Forest Pests: Invasive Plants and Insects of Maryland - Emerald Ash Borer [PDF, 368 KB]

  • Animals, Fish, & Plants - Emerald Ash Borer

    • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

  • Emerald Ash Borer

    • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

    • The emerald ash borer is a half-inch long metallic green beetle with the scientific name Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. Larvae of this beetle feed under the bark of ash trees. Their feeding eventually girdles and kills branches and entire trees. Emerald ash borer was first identified in North America in southeastern Michigan in 2002.

  • Emerald Ash Borer

    • Illinois Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Environmental Programs. Division of Natural Resources.

    • Native to Asia, the Emerald Ash Borer is an exotic beetle that was unknown in North America until June 2002 when it was discovered as the cause for the decline of many ash trees in southeast Michigan and neighboring Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It has since been found in several states from the east coast spanning across the midwest and in June 2006, we discovered that it had taken up residence in Illinois.

  • Emerald Ash Borer

    • Maryland Department of Agriculture.

  • Emerald Ash Borer Frequently Asked Questions

    • North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. North Carolina Forest Service.

    • The emerald ash borer is a metallic green beetle that bores into ash trees feeding on tissues beneath the bark, ultimately killing the tree. It is not native to the United States and was first found in the U.S. near Detroit, Michigan in 2002. In 2013, the emerald ash borer was found in Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren counties in North Carolina. In 2015 it was found in many additional counties, and a statewide EAB quarantine went into effect in North Carolina.

  • Emerald Ash Borer in Connecticut

    • Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.

    • The Emerald ash borer was first found in Connecticut during the week of July 16, 2012. Since that first find in Prospect, EAB has been found in many other parts of the state, particularly in towns in central and western Connecticut. DEEP, the CT Agricultural Experiment Station, USDA APHIS PPQ and the U.S. Forest Service are working together with local partners to slow the spread of the insect and to take steps to minimize its impact. This will be a long-term effort on the part of all involved.

  • Emerald Ash Borer in Massachusetts

    • Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry.

  • Emerald Ash Borer in South Dakota

    • South Dakota Department of Agriculture.

  • Fact Sheet: Emerald Ash Borer [PDF, 188 KB]

    • Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

    • See also: Insect Factsheets for more resources

  • Field Guide: Invasive - Emerald Ash Borer

    • Missouri Department of Conservation.

    • See also: For more information about Invasive Tree Pests (insects and diseases) that are not native to Missouri

  • Forest Health - Emerald Ash Borer

    • Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

  • Forest Health - Emerald Ash Borer

    • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

  • Insect Pests & Diseases - Emerald Ash Borer

    • Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

  • Plant Industry - Emerald Ash Borer

    • New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

    • Emerald Ash Borer was discovered in New Jersey in May 2014 in Somerset County, and as of October 2015 has also been found in Bergen, Burlington, Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, and Monmouth counties. Infestations throughout the U.S. and Canada have killed tens of millions of ash trees since 2002. Report signs of the beetle to the Department of Agriculture at 609-406-6939.

  • Regulatory & Scientific Information: Emerald Ash Borer

    • Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Entomology and Plant Pathology.

  • IPM of Midwest Landscapes: Pests of Trees and Shrubs - Emerald Ash Borer [PDF, 123 KB]

    • University of Minnesota.

    • IPM of Midwest Landscapes is available for educating growers, landscapers, managers, and consumers in the principles of IPM and its application to managing the over 150 common insect species in Midwest landscapes.

  • IPM Scouting in Woody Landscape Plants - Emerald Ash Borer

  • Current Pests & Diseases: Emerald Ash Borer

    • Kansas State University. Kansas Forest Service.

  • Emerald Ash Borer

    • Michigan Technological University. Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences. Center for Exotic Species.

  • Emerald Ash Borer in Indiana

    • Purdue University. Extension Entomology (Indiana).

    • Use this website to find out where in Indiana the emerald ash borer (EAB) is located, how to combat this invasive pest, and what you can do to preserve ash trees in Indiana. To report a find of EAB in Indiana, call Indiana DNR toll-free 1-866-NO-EXOTIC.

  • Insects, Pests, and Diseases: Emerald Ash Borer

    • Pennsylvania State University. Cooperative Extension.

  • Kentucky Emerald Ash Borer (EAB): Resources & Updates

    • University of Kentucky. College of Agriculture. Entomology.

    • Officials with the Office of the State Entomologist in the University of Kentucky Entomology Department on May 22, 2009 announced two confirmed occurrences in Kentucky of emerald ash borer, an invasive insect pest of ash trees. These are the first findings of this destructive insect in the state.

  • Nebraska's EAB Resource Center

    • Nebraska Forest Service.

    • The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) has confirmed that emerald ash borer (EAB) was discovered during a site inspection in Omaha's Pulaski Park on June 6, 2016. Nebraska becomes the 27th state to confirm the presence of EAB, joining neighboring states of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado.

  • Tree Pests: Emerald Ash Borer

    • University of Missouri Extension.

    • Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is an exotic, invasive, wood-boring insect that infests and kills native North American ash trees, both in forests and landscape plantings. With EAB now in several areas of the Show-Me State - and its ability to hitchhike on firewood - the probability of it spreading to noninfected areas in the state is high.
