Tomicus piniperda L. (CABI)
Common Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB)
Eurasia and northern Africa (Haack and Poland 2001)
First discovered in Ohio in 1992 (Haack and Poland 2001)
Accidentally introduced on imported wood packing material (Haack and Poland 2001)
Capable of damaging and killing pine trees by feeding on young shoots (Haack and Poland 2001)

Common Pine Shoot Beetle, adult (dorsal view from the Collection of Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Photo by Maja Jurc; University of Ljubjana
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CABI. Invasive Species Compendium. Tomicus piniperda. CAB International. [Accessed Aug 10, 2023].
Haack, R.A., and T.M. Poland. 2001. Evolving management strategies for a recently discovered exotic forest pest: the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera) Biological Invasions 3:307-322.