Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier, 1817) (ITIS)
Red-bellied pacu, pirapitinga
South America (Di Santo et al. 2018)
Individual specimens have been caught since the 1960s, but no reproducing populations have yet become established in the U.S. (NAS Database)
Probably through aquarium releases or fish farm escapes (Di Santo et al. 2018)
Environmental impact is unknown (NAS Database)

Red-bellied pacu, adults
Photo by U.S. Geological Survey
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Federal Government
Di Santo, V., H.L. Jordan, B. Cooper, et al. 2018. Thermal tolerance of the invasive red-bellied pacu and the risk of establishment in the United States. Journal of Thermal Biology 74:110-115.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Piaractus brachypomus. [Accessed Sep 22, 2023].
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Fact Sheet - Pirapatinga. USGS, Gainesville, FL. [Accessed Sep 22, 2023].