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North Dakota

Provides selected North Dakota resources from agencies and organizations with an interest in the prevention, control, or eradication of invasive species.


  • Two Noxious Weeds Added To State List

    • Jan 8, 2019
    • North Dakota Department of Agriculture.

    • Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) have been added to the state noxious weed list. Palmer amaranth is an aggressive pigweed species similar in appearance to waterhemp and was first found in the state last year. It has now been found in five counties. Houndstongue, which does not spread aggressively like Palmer amaranth, has been found in North Dakota since at least 1911 but infestations have tripled since 2008. It is now found in at least 25 counties. The public is urged to work with local weed officers, extension agents and other experts to identify and report suspect plants. More information on these and other noxious and invasive weeds is available at Noxious Weeds.

  • Call 701-328-2655 to Report Feral Swine

    • North Dakota Department of Agriculture.

    • Feral swine are an invasive species which cause extensive damage to crops, property, and the environment. They are also known to carry over 30 diseases and 37 parasites that can be transmitted to livestock, people, pets, and wildlife. When feral swine are sighted in North Dakota, the State Board of Animal Health should be notified immediately. Attempts will be made to identify whether the swine are truly feral or if they are escaped domestic swine which are private property. Individuals who encounter feral swine should not destroy them unless they encounter feral swine on their own property and there is a threat of harm or destruction of property. As soon as possible following destruction of the animal, but always within 24 hours, the individual must notify the State Board of Animal Health (BoAH) at 701-328-2655.

  • Infested Waters in North Dakota

    • North Dakota Game and Fish Department.

    • View current information on the locations of curlyleaf pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil, and zebra mussels in North Dakota waters.

State Specific Threats

Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this location, organized by source.

Federal Government
State and Local Government