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New York

Provides selected New York resources from agencies and organizations with an interest in the prevention, control, or eradication of invasive species.


  • Invasive Tick Has Been Present in New York Longer Than Previously Known, Study Shows

    • Mar 22, 2024
    • Entomological Society of America. Entomology Today.

    • Several tick species spread diseases to humans, including American dog ticks (Dermacentor variabilis), blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis), western blacklegged ticks (Ixodes pacificus), and lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum). With international trade transporting arthropods among continents, warming temperatures expanding habitable ranges, changes in land use, and increases in host populations, invasive tick species are a growing problem in North America. And, when invasive tick species do become established, they raise the concern of spreading diseases to humans, pets, and livestock. Over 100 tick species from other countries have arrived in the continental U.S. already.

  • USDA APHIS Makes Gains Removing Asian Longhorned Beetle in New York

    • Jan 31, 2024
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), together with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, is announcing that the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) quarantine on Long Island is now smaller. New York is now closer to being ALB-free.

  • NYDEC and Canal Corporation Announce Second Year of Sustained Effort to Protect New York's Waters from Aquatic Invasive Species Round Goby

    • Jan 25, 2023
    • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

    • The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York State Canal Corporation continue to implement a comprehensive effort, including a rapid response plan [PDF, 1.73 MB], to combat the potential spread of the round goby, an aquatic invasive species (AIS), to the Lake Champlain Basin following the discovery of the fish in the Hudson River near the city of Troy in July 2021. Aquatic invasive species can out-compete native fish species, disrupting ecosystems and damaging local economies dependent on recreation.

  • New York State DEC Tracking New Threat to Beech Trees

    • Jul 15, 2022
    • New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

    • The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced that Beech Leaf Disease (BLD), which affects all species of beech trees, was identified in 35 counties in New York State to date. DEC began tracking BLD in 2018 after it was confirmed in Chautauqua County. Fourteen of the counties with BLD were confirmed in 2022, and more are likely to be identified. At this time there are no specific recommendations for managing trees that are infected with BLD, however, DEC encourages the public to report potential BLD infections using iMapInvasives to help track the disease while research is ongoing. Learn more about Beech Leaf Disease. For questions about potential tree pests or pathogens, email photos and a description to

  • NYDEC Launches New Aquatic Invasive Species Requirements for Motorized Boats in Adirondack Waters

    • Jun 6, 2022
    • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

    • The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced measures to prevent the further spread of aquatic invasive species in the Adirondacks. Changes to state Environmental Conservation Law became effective on June 8, 2022 and require motorized boat users to obtain certification that they have inspected and removed potentially harmful aquatic invasive species before launching in waters in, and immediately adjacent to, the Adirondack Forest Preserve. To learn more, see the New York State Watercraft Inspection Steward Program Handbook.

  • New York Invasive Species Information - Emerald Ash Borer

    • New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse.

    • Emerald ash borer was first confirmed in New York in June 2009 near Randolph, in western Cattaraugus County. The rapid spread of the beetle through North America is most likely due to the transport of infested firewood, ash nursery stock, unprocessed ash logs, and other ash products. In an effort to slow the continued spread of EAB, both Federal and New York State agencies have instituted quarantines of infested areas to regulate the transport of ash products.

State Specific Threats


Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this location, organized by source.

State and Local Government