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Prevention is the action of stopping invasive species from being introduced or spreading into a new ecosystem (Source: Executive Order 13751). Provides general resources for prevention of invasive species. Awareness and education are extremely important as prevention is key to combating invasive species.

See related information:

invasion curve
Image use policy

USDA, Forest Service

The Invasion Curve illustrates that prevention is the most efficient and least costly method of combating invasive species. As a non-native species becomes more established over time, the effort and associated costs of addressing it escalate exponentially. (From the USDA Forest Service 2005 Invasive Plant Environmental Impact Statement)


  • A New Decision Support Tool for Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

    • Mar 2024
    • USDA. FS. Northern Research Station. Rooted in Research.

    • A New Tool for Helping Managers Make Decisions about Inspections -- to help inform decision making, researchers developed AIS Explorer: Prioritization for Watercraft Inspections, a web-based decision-making support tool for optimizing watercraft inspection efficiency. The online dashboard incorporates data about which lakes are infested and how boats move among lakes in Minnesota (gathered from surveys at watercraft inspection stations), and it updates automatically as new entries are added to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Infested Water List.

      This decision support tool can help counties position their limited inspection resources strategically to protect the greatest number of waterbodies and safeguard the state’s ecological and economic assets.

  • Have Plant Protection Project Ideas? Apply for Funding Today!

    • Jun 65, 2024
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) invites stakeholders to tap into their creativity and submit innovative proposals for fiscal year (FY) 2025 Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721) funding. APHIS is funding projects that protect American agriculture and natural resources this summer, and it’s time to apply! Applicants can submit suggestions for Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program funding from June 5 through July 31, 2024.

  • Invasive (freshwater mussel) Detected in California

    • Nov 5, 2024
    • DHS. Coast Guard.

    •  The Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance was notified by the State of California on the detection and identification of golden mussel (Limnoperna Fortunie) in the Port of Stockton. To minimize the spread of the golden mussel it is recommended that operators continue to ensure that ballast water management systems are operational and used in accordance with the Operational Manual for that system.

  • Plant Protection Today: What You Need to Know Before Shipping and Receiving Agricultural Items

    • Dec 11, 2024
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • People ship and receive packages using express courier companies—like FedEx, UPS, DHL, and others—all the time. But when the package includes an agricultural item, things could get dangerous for U.S agriculture and natural resources.

      “You should know what could be hitchhiking in or on those items—invasive plant and animal diseases and pests,” said Dr. Mark Davidson, Deputy Administrator of USDA’s Plant Protection and Quarantine. “Once these threats enter our country, they could harm our crops, livestock, and ecosystems. Left unchecked, they could devastate entire agricultural industries, eliminating jobs, threatening our food supply, and costing billions of dollars in losses and response costs.”

  • Public Input Sought on Proposed Measures to Stop the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species Into Yellowstone National Park

  • APHIS Announces Funding for Tribal Partners Supporting Farm Bill Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Activities

    • May 31, 2023
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is awarding $566,626 to support four new cooperative agreements with tribal partners through the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP). These projects will enhance these Tribes’ – and our nation’s - animal disease response capabilities and strengthen APHIS’ relationships with these partners.
      See related resource: National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP)

  • A Bi-level Model for State and County Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Decisions

    • Feb 1, 2023
    • USDA. FS. Northern Research Station.

    • Recreational boats are important vectors of spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) among waterbodies of the United States. To limit AIS spread, state and county agencies fund watercraft inspection and decontamination stations at lake access points. Researchers present a model for determining how a state planner can efficiently allocate inspection resources to county managers, who independently decide where to locate inspection stations.

  • Army Corps of Engineers: Better Data and Planning Needed to Combat Aquatic Invasive Species

    • Nov 6, 2023
    • United States Government Accountability Office.

    • Quagga and zebra mussels have spread rapidly across the country since they were first discovered in the late 1980s and, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials, have spread to every major river basin in the U.S. except the Columbia River Basin in the northwest. The mussels typically are spread by recreational watercraft such as boats, canoes, and Jet Skis that have been in infested waters. Once established in a water body, the mussel species are extremely difficult to eradicate because they have no natural predators in the U.S. and rapidly reproduce.

      GAO was asked to examine efforts the Corps has undertaken to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species into the Columbia River Basin by recreational watercrafts. This report [PDF, 3.24 MB] provides information on the Corps' Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Program and its role in helping to prevent the introduction or spread of quagga and zebra mussels—the aquatic invasive species of greatest concern to the Corps—as well as program challenges and opportunities for improvement.

  • Decontaminating Wildland Fire Equipment to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS): How to Guide [PDF, 1.7 MB]

    • Jun 2022
    • National Wildfire Coordinating Group.

    • This updated protocol is based on the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)’s 2017 “Guide to Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species Transport by Wildland Fire Operations” (PMS 444). The intent of this NRCG guide is to provide a more prescriptive protocol intended for a fire management audience, and to increase compliance and consistency of best management practices related to preventing AIS. The protocol applies to both ground operations and aviation and is mandatory in the Northern Rockies region. This protocol is demonstrated via a “How to Guide,” which includes detailed instructions for ordering, set up, and assembly of AIS decontamination stations; options for products/equipment based on site specific conditions; and best management practices for drafting water, which can prevent the risk of most AIS being transported or spread via wildland fire equipment. Fire management agencies in the west are taking the threat of AIS seriously and have committed to decreasing the possible risk of introduction and spread by fire management personnel.
      See also: Invasive Species Subcommittee which provides national leadership in the prevention of invasive species transport by wildland fire mobile equipment and related vehicles.

  • Great Lakes Commission Shares Lessons Learned from Fight Against Internet Sales of Aquatic Invasive Species

    • Jul 12, 2022
    • Great Lakes Commission.

    • The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) released a report on the second phase of its work to stop internet sales of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Great Lakes region. The GLC initiative, known as the Great Lakes Detector of Invasive Aquatics in Trade (GLDIATR), demonstrated that “web crawling” applications can be used to track the online sale of priority AIS and support the work of AIS researchers, outreach coordinators, managers, and law enforcement officials across the Great Lakes basin.

  • H.R.9597 - Wildlife Disease Surveillance for Pandemic Prevention Act of 2022

    • Dec 15, 2022

    • Introduced on December 15, 2022 (117th Congress; 2021-2022), by Rep. Katie Porter [D-CA-45], this bill would create a coordinated domestic wildlife disease surveillance framework for State, Tribal, and local governments to monitor and respond to wildlife disease outbreaks to prevent pandemics, and for other purposes.

  • Help Stop the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species in Wyoming

    • Mar 7, 2022
    • Wyoming Game & Fish Department.

    • The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is offering training for members of the public to become a certified Wyoming aquatic invasive species inspector. The free, day-long sessions are offered throughout the spring in statewide locations and are open to anyone interested in preventing the spread of AIS through watercraft inspection. The training includes information on basic biology of invasive species, the impacts of AIS, transport vectors and distribution of AIS. It includes classroom instruction, a question-and-answer session and a hands-on watercraft inspection exercise. Those who complete the class will be certified to inspect watercraft.

  • NYDEC Launches New Aquatic Invasive Species Requirements for Motorized Boats in Adirondack Waters

    • Jun 6, 2022
    • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

    • The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced measures to prevent the further spread of aquatic invasive species in the Adirondacks. Changes to state Environmental Conservation Law became effective on June 8, 2022 and require motorized boat users to obtain certification that they have inspected and removed potentially harmful aquatic invasive species before launching in waters in, and immediately adjacent to, the Adirondack Forest Preserve. To learn more, see the New York State Watercraft Inspection Steward Program Handbook.

  • New Research Provides Guidance for Effective Public Messaging About Invasive Species Prevention

    • Aug 20, 2021
    • University of Wisconsin Sea Grant.

    • You could say that preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) is a team sport. While it takes the professional efforts of natural resource managers, AIS specialists and others in the environmental field, it also takes the cooperation of the public. Yet for community members to take necessary actions, they must first be aware of the negative impacts AIS can have and how to stop their spread. Communicating with them about AIS in an effective way is vital.

      New research from Wisconsin Sea Grant Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist Tim Campbell, University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Professor Bret Shaw and consultant Barry T. Radler sheds new light on such communication. The researchers analyzed which communication strategies are most effective and which may pose unintended problems. The team's findings were published online Aug 14 in the journal Environmental Management (“Testing Emphasis Message Frames and Metaphors on Social Media to Engage Boaters to Learn about Preventing the Spread of Zebra Mussels”).

  • Port of New Orleans Finds Invasive Insects in Wood on Deck of Foreign Vessel

    • Jul 28, 2021
    • DHS. Customs and Border Protection.

    • A cargo ship was ordered to leave the U.S. waters after U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists at the Port of New Orleans discovered invasive insects found in the wood used to secure its previous cargo offloaded earlier in Mexico.

      The wood used to pack the aluminum shipment was found to be infested with five separate pests, two of which required action. Two of the pests discovered pose an agricultural threat to the U.S. They were positively identified by USDA entomologists as Cerambyciae and Myrmicinae.

  • Utah DWR and Partners Announce Revolutionary New Method for Decontaminating Boats, Removing Invasive Quagga Mussels

    • Apr 8, 2021
    • Utah Department of Natural Resources. Division of Wildlife Resources.

    • The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Clean Wake LLC, the National Park Service at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and other partnering agencies are excited to announce a new first-of-its-kind dip tank method (YouTube video - Lake Powell AIS Dip Tank) that will revolutionize boat decontamination in the fight against invasive quagga mussels.

  • Protecting Agriculture on the Internet – One Click, One Post, One Sale at a Time

    • Apr 24, 2018
    • USDA. Blog.

    • A big way invasive pests can move from one location to another is through unregulated internet sales. We are seeing more and more of these sales, and it’s a real concern. Why? With normal commercial or retail sales, we can use techniques like quarantines and fumigation to make sure that purchased items are pest-free or don’t enter pest-free areas. But many times, sales on the internet do not follow these techniques, opening up the chance for invasive pests to move freely to new areas. APHIS' Smuggling, Interdiction and Trade Compliance Office looks for these types of sale offers online and stops them.

  • Building Consensus in the West: Developing a Model Legal Framework for Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Programs

    • National Sea Grant Law Center.

    • Initiative of the Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (WRP). The goal of the WRP initiative is to develop a multi-state vision for watercraft inspection and decontamination (WID) programs. The National Sea Grant Law Center is an active participant in this initiative, providing legal research support and leading efforts to develop model legislation and regulations for WID Programs.

  • Commercial Boat Haulers - Call Before You Haul

    • Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Western Aquatic Invasive Species Resource Center.

    • To prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species, and others are making information available to boat haulers, auctioneers, marinas, manufacturers, and brokers to make it easy to comply with state, provincial and federal laws, prevent costly delays in transporting or selling boats, and help reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species.

      In December 2021, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) initiated a program to prevent delays during the transport of watercraft destined for the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The program, Call Before You Haul, provides a toll-free number (1-844-311-4873) boat transporters can call prior to transporting watercraft from outside the Pacific Northwest to one of the aforementioned states. The program was piloted in 10 states.

      The Call Before You Haul 1.0 program was initiated in late 2022 prevent the introduction and establishment of quagga and zebra mussels in the Columbia River Basin states and prevent the movement of aquatic invasive species via trailered watercraft. Call Before You Haul 1.0 consisted of creating a 24-7 toll-free number for boat transporters and working directly with state agencies that permit interstate oversize/overweight loads, including watercraft, to raise boat transporter awareness about trailered watercraft as a vector for aquatic invasive species. There remains a significant number of infested watercraft coming from the Great Lakes regions of the United States and Canada to western states.

      Call Before You Haul 2.0 expanding in February 2024, is an effort to work collaboratively with Great Lakes region entities to reduce interstate transport of aquatic invasive species — for the benefit of all states and provinces. 
      See also: Register for kickoff Call Before You Haul 2.0 webinar on February 22, 10-11 am PST.

  • Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Committee

    • Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species.

    • The Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Committee (also known as the Decon Think Tank) is focused on refining, improving, troubleshooting and sharing the best possible techniques related to watercraft inspection and decontamination programs.


Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this subject, organized by source.

Council or Task Force
  • California Invasive Plant Council - Best Management Practices Manuals

    • California Invasive Plant Council.

    • Includes Prevention BMPs for Land Managers, Prevention BMPs for Transportation and Utility Corridors, BMPs for Protecting Wildlife When Using Herbicides, Land Manager’s Guide to Developing an Invasive Plant Management Plan, and Prevention BMPs for Central Sierra Tree Mortality Zones.

  • California Invasive Plant Council - Prevention

    • California Invasive Plant Council.

  • Ontario Invasive Plant Council - Best Management Practices Series

    • Ontario Invasive Plant Council.

    • In recent years the Ontario Invasive Plant Council has developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) guides for more than 15 different invasive plants in Ontario. The BMPs provide you with a detailed background history on the plant, how to identify it and how to properly manage it. The series promotes the use of integrated pest management to achieve effective control.

  • Wisconsin Council on Forestry - Invasive Species Best Management Practices:

    • Wisconsin Council on Forestry.

    • Invasive exotic species present what may be the greatest threat to the long-term health and sustainability of Wisconsin's forests. Human activities such as trading of goods, travel, gardening, and recreation have resulted in the introduction of many non-native plant and animal species to the state. The Council created the Forestry Invasives Leadership Team to develop voluntary best management practices (BMPs) to help control the spread of invasive species.

  • Strategies Identified for Successful Outreach to Reduce the Spread of Forest Pests on Firewood

    • Aug 1, 2022
    • Nature Conservancy. Don't Move Firewood.

    • Collaborative study determines effective messengers, language choices, and modes of delivery for disseminating educational information on how firewood choices can impact forest health. A recent study done in collaboration between The Nature Conservancy’s Don’t Move Firewood campaign and researchers from Clemson University showed that most people in the U.S. don’t know firewood can harbor invasive forest insects and diseases, but when targeted education materials are used effectively, they can learn and are likely to change their behavior.

  • Major League Fishing and Wildlife Forever Sign MOU to Prevent Invasive Species

    • Aug 11, 2021
    • Wildlife Forever.

    • Wildlife Forever and Major League Fishing (MLF) announced that the two organizations have signed an important Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to combat the spread of invasive species. The new MOU will work to integrate Clean Drain Dry communications and marketing through tournament operations, angler education, and community outreach. Professional anglers are ambassadors for the fishing industry but also key conservationists in working to protect the sport. Integrating the Clean Drain Dry Initiative brand with professional anglers will give them the right tools to prevent spread and inspire their followers and fans to do the same.

  • Denying Entry: Opportunities to Build Capacity to Prevent the Introduction of Invasive Species and Improve Biosecurity at US Ports

    • 2007
    • International Union for Conservation of Nature.

    • The aim of this report was to identify the resources, strategies, and policies necessary to create, maintain, and make accessible one or more commodity/invasive species databases that EPA and other relevant agencies can apply to trade policy decision-making in a timely and scientifically-based manner.

  • Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program: Best Management Practices

    • Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program.

    • Includes best management practices for landowners and resource managers, boats owners and lake managers, anglers, and gardeners.

  • Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace (AIM)

    • Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace.

    • Provides individuals with the information and tools they need to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species commonly found in trade. Water gardeners, aquarium hobbyists, retailers, anglers, teachers, wholesalers and more can use these resources to learn about invasive species and identify alternative organisms that are safe to buy and sell.

  • Best Management Practices to Comply with State Laws and Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species [PDF, 646 KB]

    • Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Western Aquatic Invasive Species Resource Center.

    • Prevent delays and reduce costs associated with transporting, buying, and selling boats. Aquatic invasive species, such as zebra and quagga mussels, pose a threat to the economy and natural resources of western states and provinces. In addition, fines and costly delays associated with transporting boats with aquatic invasive species can affect you and others in the recreational boating industry.
      See also: Commercial Boat Haulers - Call Before You Haul

  • Don't Let It Loose

    • Don't Let It Loose.

    • Learn about responsible pet ownership and why it’s important to prevent the release of pets into the wild. Since 2012, Don't Let it Loose has been working to provide responsible rehoming information to pet owners who, for one reason or another, need to find another home for their pet. Don’t Let it Loose is managed by Invasive Species Action Network with support from the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. The project works with state governments and independent pet stores to publicize options for pet owners who are no longer able or willing to care for their exotic pets.
      See also: Don't Let It Loose

  • Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz

    • Great Lakes Commission.

    • The Great Lakes AIS "Landing Blitz" is a multi-agency partnership effort and events take place over a two-week period (June 26-July 6, 2024), emphasizing the need to Clean, Drain, Dry boats whenever they come out of the water, and Dispose of any unwanted bait in the trash. Local volunteers partner with state and provincial agencies to deliver consistent messaging about preventing the introduction and spread of AIS from the movement of watercraft and equipment between water bodies. Information on these events, including educational materials, locations and volunteer opportunities are posted on the Landing Blitz page as they become available.

  • Great Lakes Detector of Invasive Species in Trade (GLDIATR)

    • Great Lakes Commission.

    • The Great Lakes Detector of Invasive Aquatics in Trade (GLDIATR) is an innovative approach developed by the Great Lakes Commission that uses advanced technology to search the internet for sites where aquatic invasive species can be purchased and shipped to the Great Lakes region. This information can be used by invasive species managers to inform and help target a variety of activities including outreach and education, risk assessment, monitoring and surveillance, and enforcement.

  • Invasive Species Prevention: Clean. Drain. Dry.

    • Wildlife Forever.

    • Wildlife Forever has teamed up with more than 2,500 organizations across the nation, including Federal, State, and Canadian organizations, to stop the spread of invasive species with the Clean. Drain. Dry. initiative. This national campaign educates outdoor recreational users on how to prevent the spread of invasive species. Strategic communications, marketing, outreach and educational services provide access to consistent messaging and resources for local communities to implement prevention programs.

  • Lake Tahoe Invasive Species Program - Stickers and Fees

    • Tahoe Resource Conservation District; Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.

  • National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)

    • National Plant Diagnostic Network.

    • NPDN is a national network of diagnostic laboratories that rapidly and accurately detect and report pathogens that cause plant diseases of national interest, particularly those that could be deemed to be a biosecurity risk. The specific purpose of the NPDN is to provide a cohesive, distributed system to quickly detect and identify pests and pathogens of concern.

  • New York Invasive Species Information - Watercraft Inspection

    • New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse.

    • People have been working to control aquatic invasive species in New York State for decades. In 2003, the state government took a leadership effort to identify and coordinate local and regional efforts. The Watercraft Inspection Steward Programs are a statewide effort that has stewards stationed at boat launches across the state, including Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the Finger Lakes, the Thousand Islands, the Adirondacks, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Saratoga Lake, the Hudson River and on Long Island.

  • Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs: Inspection and Decontamination

    • Blue Accounting.

    • Inspection and decontamination refers to the process of checking all parts of a boat to ensure that it is not carrying any invasive species and appropriately cleaning a boat if it is. This category examines how the relevant management agency implements watercraft inspection and decontamination programs throughout their jurisdiction.
      See also: Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs for more information.

  • Seaplanes and Aquatic Invasive Species

    • Seaplanes and Aquatic Invasive Species.

    • Reducing the potential to spread aquatic invasive species via the seaplane pathway. This project is intended to help the Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force reduce the risk of impacts of aquatic invasive species through the seaplane pathway by engaging with seaplane pilots and seaplane/seaplane equipment manufacturers in the lower 48 and Alaska to help prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species; improve the ability of seaplane pilots to lessen the spread of aquatic invasive species by developing best management practices that will be accepted and used by pilots; assessing the risk of aquatic invasive species spread by the seaplane pathway in different regions of the U.S. and compiling and sharing all information garnered through this research. A project funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and implemented by various partners (Creative Resource Strategies, LLC, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Sea Grant and Conservation Collaborations). 

  • Tahoe Boat Inspections

    • Tahoe Resource Conservation District; Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    • Watercraft are the largest vectors for spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS), such as quagga and zebra mussels into new waterways, making boat inspections a vital aspect of protecting Lake Tahoe and other nearby water bodies.

  • Watercraft

    • Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Western Aquatic Invasive Species Resource Center.

    • Provides watercraft inspection and decontamination state information in the western states and Canadian provinces to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

      In December 2021, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) initiated a program to prevent delays during the transport of watercraft destined in the Pacific Northwest. 
      See related resource: Call Before You Haul

      See also: Key Documents (includes Quagga and Zebra Mussels, Watercraft and Inspection Decontamination, Coastal, eDNA, Education and Outreach, Wildland Fire Operations and Prevention, and Seaplanes)

Federal Government
  • Guard Your Green: Invasive Plant Pests Threaten Your Community’s Trees and Gardens

    • Apr 5, 2024
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) proclaims April 2024 as Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. During this month, we are encouraging everyone—whether you’re a gardener or a camper, a bug enthusiast or a student, a traveler, or an online shopper—to learn about the danger of invasive plant pests and what you can do to help. During the month, we are sharing information on curbing the spread of these pests to foster a healthier environment and protect our food supply.
      See also: A Proclamation by the Secretary of Agriculture for 2024 Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month [PDF, 189 KB]

  • Vector-Borne Diseases (VBD) National Strategy to Protect People

    • Feb 2024
    • DHHS. CDC. Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD).

    • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the National Public Health Strategy to Prevent and Control Vector-Borne Diseases in People (VBD National Strategy). As directed by the 2019 Kay Hagan Tick Act—named after the U.S. Senator who died due to complications from a tickborne illness—HHS led a four-year process with civilian agencies and defense departments to deliver this strategy. Co-led by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the strategy identifies and describes federal priorities to detect, prevent, respond to, and control diseases and conditions caused by vectors in the United States. This VBD National Strategy represents the largest formal federal coordination effort focused on vector-borne disease prevention and control with contributions by over 50 representatives across 17 federal agencies.
      See also: U.S. Health and Human Services Press Release on VBD National Strategy (Feb 6, 2024)

  • 2022 Virtual Invasive Carp Forum

    • Sep 15, 2022
    • DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    • On August 9, 2022, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hosted a virtual forum on invasive carp harvest and product use. This virtual event was convened in response to direction provided by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. Bighead, silver, black and grass carp – collectively referred to as ‘invasive carp’ – have been spreading in waterways across the United States and causing environmental damage since their introduction in the 1970s for use in aquaculture facilities and retention ponds. Provides access to the full recording of the forum, as well as the presentation slides.

  • Inspection and Cleaning Manual for Equipment and Vehicles to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species [PDF, 4.12 MB]

    • Sep 2021
    • DOI. Bureau of Reclamation. Policy and Program Services.

    • Technical Memorandum No. 86-68220-07-05. This manual provides recommendations for inspection and cleaning of vehicles and equipment as a prevention tool to limit the spread of invasive species. The manual will help equipment operators gain a better understanding of how invasive plants and animals are spread by contaminated equipment into new locations and has broad applications for many organizations and agencies. See also: Invasive Mussels - Documents for more resources.

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grant and Partnership Programs that Can Address Invasive Species Research, Technical Assistance, Prevention: Federal Fiscal Year 2017 [DOC, 74 KB]

    • Oct 17, 2016
    • U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    • This workbook contains basic information on programs in USDA that could be used to fund and support invasive species related projects. This list should be a helpful place to start a search for sources of technical and financial resources for invasive species activities but may not include all potential invasive species funding opportunities. USDA contacts for program support listed in the document are current at the time of publication. The contacts listed in the "other grant information" section can assist you in determining which opportunities may fit best with your needs.

  • Non-Native Invasive Species Best Management Practices: Guidance for the U.S. Forest Service, Eastern Region [PDF, 4.4 MB]

    • Aug 2012
    • USDA. Forest Service.

    • Non-native invasive species (NNIS) pose a threat to forest ecosystems and forest productivity. Managers can play important roles in slowing the spread of NNIS. This guide describes practices to aid in those roles. The goal is to provide practices that prevent the inadvertent spread of NNIS, reducing the impacts of NNIS. The best management practice (BMP) statements in this guide are intended to apply to forest stewardship activities. This guide is intended to help managers make the most efficient use of limited resources to combat NNIS.

  • APHIS Campaign: Defend the Flock Program

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • APHIS offers the Defend the Flock education program to provide the tools and resources you need to make sure that you are doing everything possible to keep your birds healthy and reduce the risk that an infectious disease will spread from your property to other flocks. Biosecurity is the key to keeping our Nation’s poultry healthy!

  • APHIS Campaign: Defend the Flock Program - Resource Center

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The Defend the Flock program provides information and resources from USDA and other experts for keeping poultry healthy. It includes practical tips from growers like you, veterinarians, state agencies, scientists, and industry professionals for practicing biosecurity every day. Biosecurity is a team effort. We have to work together to defend our nation’s flocks. Resources include information needed to practice good biosecurity is available here -- checklists, resource guides, videos, and other tools.

  • Boat Launch & Inspection Stations

    • DOI. NPS. Curecanti National Recreation Area.

    • Motorized and trailered watercraft launching in Blue Mesa Reservoir are required to be inspected for aquatic invasive species prior to launching, and if necessary, decontaminated in accordance with procedures set by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. In addition to the mandatory inspection prior to launch, boaters are encouraged to get an exit inspection to verify the watercraft has been cleaned, drained and dried.

  • Boating - Permits & Inspections

    • DOI. NPS. Yellowstone National Park.

    • If you plan to use your own boat or angler float tube, you’ll need a permit and a free Yellowstone aquatic invasive species inspection. You can speed up the inspection process by arriving with a boat that is clean, drained, and dry. Watercraft that arrive dirty or with standing water will be subject to decontamination. Watercraft that cannot be properly decontaminated will be prohibited from launching.

  • Crop Biosecurity and Emergency Management

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • USDA APHIS' Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) provides national leadership and coordination in crop biosecurity and emergency management. As the lead Federal agency for plant health emergencies, PPQ works cooperatively with national and international plant protection organizations; Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies; universities; industries; and private entities in developing and implementing science-based framework designed to provide optimum protection against invasive pests and diseases.

  • Detector Dogs

    • USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine.

    • The National Detector Dog Training Center trains specially selected dogs and their handlers to safeguard America’s agricultural and natural resources from harmful pests. These dog teams carry out a range of activities, from inspecting passenger baggage, cargo, and parcels at ports of entry to detecting certain invasive species in the environment. Together, they help protect our Nation's food crops, forests, farms, and environment.

      Detector canines—trained by USDA's Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program—are ready to sniff out these damaging invasive pests to detect them early and prevent their spread. These highly trained dogs represent some of the recent successes of our Agricultural Detector Canines strategic initiative. Its goal is to expand the use of detector dogs to enhance domestic pest surveys, detect pests early, and facilitate the trade of U.S. agricultural products.

  • Glacier National Park - Boating Information & Permits

    • DOI. NPS. Glacier National Park.

    • Glacier National Park waters are generally open for boating from mid-May through October. All watercraft require an NPS inspection and permit before launching. Prior cleaning, draining, and drying of all watercraft, both externally and internally, will reduce inspection time significantly.

  • How is the EPA Involved in Addressing Aquatic Nuisance Species?

    • Environmental Protection Agency.

    • In addition to intergovernmental efforts and research to detect and monitor aquatic nuisance species (ANS), the EPA addresses ANS using numerous regulatory tools.

      The EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Vessel General Permit (VGP) and Small Vessel General Permit (sVGP) regulate discharges incidental to the normal operation of commercial vessels, including ballast water and hull fouling, which are both pathways for introductions of aquatic nuisance species. The EPA and the Department of Defense are jointly developing the Uniform National Discharge Standards for vessels of the Armed Forces which will also regulate ballast water and hull fouling to help control the introduction of aquatic nuisance species.

      Note: On December 4, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, which includes as Title IX the

  • Mussel Decontamination - What Day Users Need To Know

    • DOI. NPS. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.

    • It is crucial to keep the mussels from moving from Lake Powell to other lakes and rivers. Utah and Arizona state laws require you to clean, drain, and dry your boat when leaving Lake Powell using self-decontamination procedures. Additional steps are required if you launch on other waters without a significant drying period or if you are on Lake Powell for more than 5 days.

  • National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP)

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) strengthens our country's ability to combat animal disease outbreaks. Through this program, APHIS provides tens of millions in funding to States, producer organizations, universities, and others to carry out high-value projects that help our Nation prepare for the most critical animal health threats facing U.S. livestock industries today.

  • Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis (NAPPRA)

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • Plants for planting can carry a wide variety of pests that are more likely to become established in the U.S. because they are already on a suitable host. In some cases, the plants themselves are the pest. To ensure U.S. import regulations provide adequate protection against the risk posed by plants for planting, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) established a regulated category called "Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis" (NAPPRA). NAPPRA allows APHIS to more fully protect U.S. agriculture from foreign pests while minimizing adverse economic and trade impacts. Under NAPPRA, plants for planting must undergo a pest risk analysis before APHIS will authorize the taxon for importation.

      Before NAPPRA, APHIS' plants for planting regulations (also known as Q37) categorized imported plants as either prohibited (not allowed) or restricted (allowed under certain conditions). The regulations did not require a pest risk analysis prior to the importation of a new taxonomic group of plants. This differed from APHIS' fruits and vegetables regulations (Q56) where the importation of regulated articles is prohibited until APHIS completes a pest risk analysis.

  • Plant Protection Act Section 7721: Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program Funding

    • USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine.

    • Under the authority of the Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721), APHIS provides up to $63 million annually to fund stakeholder projects submitted through the Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP). The projects we fund represent critical needs and safeguard American agriculture and natural resources against invasive plant pests and diseases.  

      USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) was charged with implementing Section 10007 initially part of the 2014 Farm Bill to prevent the introduction or spread of plant pests and diseases that threaten U.S. agriculture and the environment. Under the Farm Bill, APHIS provides funding to strengthen the nation’s infrastructure for pest detection and surveillance, identification, and threat mitigation, while working to safeguard the nursery production system. Every five years, Congress develops and passes a Farm Bill that outlines agriculture and food policy for the country.
      See related resource: APHIS Programs Authorized by the Farm Bill

  • Traveling With Food or Agricultural Products

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • This section can help you determine what items can be brought into the U.S. Bringing food and other items back from your travels could impact the health and safety of American agriculture and natural resources. For example, travelers cannot bring in most fresh fruits and vegetables because they can carry plant pests or diseases. Just one pest could devastate multiple agricultural industries.

International Government
  • Mission Biosecurity

    • New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (Australia).

    • The departments of agriculture and primary industries across Australia have proudly partnered with Costa Georgiadis of Gardening Australia to develop a suite of interactive and digital resources which showcase the importance of biosecurity across Australia. Join us on Mission: Biosecurity. As you Watch, Play & Listen, you’ll discover what Biosecurity is, how it can impact our way of life and how we can all help protect our environment, community and economy from biosecurity baddies. ​ Biosecurity – Be a part of it!

State and Local Government
  • Pennsylvania Launches Effort to Stop the Spread of Invasive Species at State Park Lakes

    • May 15, 2019
    • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

    • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn announced that the department is launching an effort at nine state parks this summer to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, and get boaters involved in invasive species detection. "Boats, motors, and trailers have ideal hiding spots where species may attach, and be transported to new locations," Dunn said. "Boaters must be involved in helping us protect state park waters from invaders, to benefit our environment and avoid very costly measures to treat lakes once these non-native species take hold." Starting this week, DCNR staff will be doing voluntary boat and trailer checks at boat launches on park lakes, handing out informational brochures and demonstrating how to do an inspection.

  • Best Management Practices for Control of Non-Native Invasives [PDF, 1.11 MB]

    • Jan 2015
    • Montgomery County Department of Parks (Maryland). Park Planning and Stewardship Division.

    • Natural Resources Stewardship staff (NRS) has determined that many non-native invasive plants (NNIs) known to present a significant threat to the quality and biodiversity of the natural areas occur in this 37,000-acre park system. To support the park mission to steward these lands, Montgomery County Department of Parks has prepared fact sheets for park managers and maintenance personnel with easy-to-read information about mechanical and chemical control methods for several terrestrial NNIs.

  • "Preserve Maine Waters" Stickers

    • Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

    • In 2008, the purchase of a new sticker for owners of Maine-registered watercraft was automatically combined with the watercraft registration fee. The sticker, which now reads "Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers -- Preserve Maine Waters" and is physically attached to the Maine watercraft registration, has been required since 2002 for all motorized watercraft on inland waters. Owners of non-Maine registered boats will continue to be required to purchase and affix a separate nonresident sticker. 

  • Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Best Management Practices for Water Access Providers

    • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

    • These best management practices for water accesses have been developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in an effort to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). By following these guidelines, providers of public and private boat access facilities can create visible and functional designated areas where boaters can clean and drain boating equipment and conduct other AIS prevention activities.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species - Rules & Stations

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Affirmation

    • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

    • An affirmation card reminds boaters and nonresident anglers of Minnesota’s aquatic invasive species laws. Watercraft owners and nonresident anglers must read and sign the affirmation during their regular license renewal, then keep it in their possession with their license. The affirmation, enacted by the Minnesota Legislature, is another positive step in the state’s proactive efforts to keep 95% of Minnesota lakes off the infested waters list.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Decal

    • Wyoming Game & Fish Department.

    • All watercraft using Wyoming waters are required to display an Aquatic Invasive Species decal. Costs for the decal are $10 for motorized watercraft registered in Wyoming, $30 for motorized watercraft registered in other states, $5 for non-motorized watercraft owned by Wyoming residents, and $15 for non-motorized watercraft owned by non-residents. Non-motorized inflatable watercraft 10 feet or less in length are exempt. Fees collected for the AIS decal will be used to fund the AIS program in Wyoming along with a General Fund Appropriation. These fees will pay for outreach and education, watercraft inspections, and monitoring to prevent the spread of AIS into Wyoming.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species in Utah: Don't Spread the STD of the Sea

    • Utah Department of Natural Resources.

    • Before launching your boat, it must be mussel-free. It’s the law! Mandatory boat inspections are routine at Lake Powell, some state points of entry, roadside stops and other waters. Learn more what the requirements are how to prevent spreading aquatic invasive species.
      See related resource: Invasive Mussels

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Permits

    • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

    • Operators of watercraft not registered in Washington State, seaplanes, and commercial transporters of specified vessel types must purchase aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention permits to help prevent the spread of AIS in Washington. AIS prevention permits are valid for one year and can be purchased online (under the "Other" Product Categories tab) or from any of the department's authorized license dealers. When purchasing online, you may select a preferred activation date. The permit will be valid for one year from that date.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program

    • Nevada Department of Wildlife.

    • The Nevada AIS decal requirement was established to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic species threatening Nevada’s waterways. The decal supports AIS monitoring and research, provides AIS prevention through outreach and education, and provides seasonal watercraft inspections and decontamination stations. All watercraft using Nevada waters are required to display an Aquatic Invasive Species decal.

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Stamp

    • Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

    • In 2016, Nebraska implemented an Aquatic Invasive Species Stamp to fund programs aimed at combating aquatic invasive species. Boaters who register their motorized watercraft in Nebraska will notice a $5 fee added to their three-year boater registration fee. Boaters who register their motorized watercraft in any other state will be required to obtain a $15 Aquatic Invasive Species Stamp each year that they boat in Nebraska. This stamp is available for purchase online. A temporary stamp may be purchased at some state parks and recreation areas.

  • Arizona Game and Fish Department Watercraft Inspection & Decontamination

    • Arizona Game and Fish Department.

    • If your watercraft has been in a Listed Infested Water [PDF, 116 KB] six or more consecutive days, you must have your boat inspected and decontaminated by AZGFD or an authorized agent prior to transport. To prepare for your decontamination, please click here. For more information about aquatic invasive species and AZGFD AIS regulations, visit Aquatic Invasive Species.

  • Best Management Practices (BMP) to Prevent and Minimize the Spread of Invasives

    • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

    • To minimize the spread of invasive species, interested stakeholders have met to develop voluntary Best Management Practices for Invasive Species. These guidelines will help Wisconsin residents and visitors to limit the likelihood of moving invasive species around.

  • Boat ANS Inspection and Decontamination

    • Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

    • Motorboats and sailboats must have an ANS Stamp prior to launching vessels in Colorado (effective Jan 1, 2019). Boat owners are required to purchase the ANS Stamp and operators must retain proof of purchase (electronic or printed receipt) on his or her person, the motorboat or sailboat, when operating the vessel (C.R.S. 33-10.5-104.5). ​Funding contributes to prevention and management of ANS in the state. Thank you for protecting our waters and contributing to conservation in Colorado!

  • California Invasive Species Action Week

    • California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

    • The goals of the California Invasive Species Action Week (June 1-9, 2024),  are to increase public awareness of invasive species issues and promote public participation in the fight against California's invasive species and their impacts on our natural resources.

      Prevention is the most effective strategy in managing invasive species. However, hundreds of invasive plants and animals have already established in California and are rapidly spreading each year. These invaders are negatively impacting our waters, our native plants and animals (some of them rare, threatened, or endangered), our agriculture, our health, our economy, and our favorite recreational places. Help us celebrate California's Invasive Species Action Week, and more importantly, help stop the spread of invasive species, by volunteering to take action.

      Learn how invasive species are affecting California, with Invasive Species Action Week Lunchtime Talks. Webinars are part of California Invasive Species Action Week, organized by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. Webinars were recorded and available for viewing.

  • Invasive Species Best Management Practices

    • New Hampshire Department of Transportation.

    • To address mounting concerns over invasive plants and the role NHDOT activities play in the spread of these plants along roadsides, Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been developed with input from Maintenance Districts, the Roadside Development Section, the Bureau of Construction, and the NH Department of Agriculture. Implementation of these BMPs will help prevent the spread of invasive plants caused by maintenance and construction activities.

  • Invasive Species Boat Stickers

    • Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

    • Anyone who will launch a boat in Idaho waters must buy an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker from Idaho Parks and Recreation, The fees generated from the sale of these stickers will fund vessel inspections, washing stations, and informational materials that will help Idaho prevent the introduction of aquatic invasive species, such as quagga mussels.

  • Lake George Boat Inspections

    • Lake George Park Commission.

    • From May 1st - Oct. 31st, all trailered boats being launched must be inspected at one of the 7 regional inspection stations.

  • Montana Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Passes

    • Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.

    • The Angler AIS Prevention Pass (AISPP) is required for all individuals who fish in Montana. This program was initiated by the 2017 Montana Legislature to help fund the fight against aquatic invasive species in Montana. Non-resident watercraft launching in Montana must purchase a Vessel AIS Prevention Pass (AISPP). Purchase the Vessel AISPP at FWP regional offices or through the Online Licenses Service.

  • New York Aquatic Invasive Species - Clean, Drain, Dry

    • New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

    • Beginning on June 8, 2022, all boaters operating any kind of motorized watercraft in the Adirondack Park and within ten miles of the Blue Line are required by law to possess certification that, before launching, their vessel has undergone measures to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by following the Clean.Drain.Dry. standards described in NYS Regulation (6 NYCRR Part 576).

  • Noxious Weed Control in King County - Best Management Practices (BMP's)

    • King County Department of Natural Resources (Washington).

    • King County's Best Management Practices (BMP's) help landowners control weeds using a variety of options that consider characteristics of the site and keep negative side effects to a minimum. The Noxious Weed Control Program follows county guidelines of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The goal is to maximize effective control and to minimize environmental, economic and social damage.

  • Out-of-State Decal

    • New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

    • On July 1, 2019, a new law (RSA 487:43) went into effect, requiring all persons operating a motorboat that is registered in another state (other than New Hampshire) on New Hampshire public waters, to display a New Hampshire aquatic invasive species decal from the Department of Environmental Services.

  • Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species through Behavior Change

    • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

    • The Minnesota DNR’s Invasive Species Program has embarked on an exciting project that aims to better promote the adoption of desirable aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention behaviors and create positive social norms supporting AIS prevention in Minnesota.

  • Quagga and Zebra Mussels

    • California Department of Parks and Recreation. Division of Boating and Waterways.

    • California registered vessels using fresh water bodies within the state are required to display a “Mussel Fee Paid” sticker on the hull next to the current registration sticker. Paying the Mussel Fee does not entitle vessels to bypass inspections or fees for inspections conducted by individual reservoir owners or managers.

  • Quagga and Zebra Mussels Infestation Prevention Grant Program

    • California Department of Parks and Recreation. Division of Boating and Waterways.

    • As part of its mission, the Division of Boating and Waterways manages the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program, which supports preventative plans that help protect California’s reservoirs from a dreissenid mussel infestation. California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) will accept applications for the 2021 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program: March 22, 2021 - April 30, 2021, subject to available funds.

      Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
      Grant applicant must own/manage any aspect of the water in a reservoir where recreational activities are permitted; Grant applicant must demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested with dreissenid mussels; and the reservoir must be open to the public.

  • South Dakota Least Wanted - Boat Washing Tips and Locations

    • South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.

    • The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks partners with the South Dakota B.A.S.S. Federation and private car washes to provide a list of boat wash locations that have lit, pull-though bays for easy access. Hot water may not be available at these boat washes. If your vessel has been moored in containment waters for 3 or more days or if AIS are attached, your boat must be decontaminated with hot water.

  • Watercraft Inspection Information

    • Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

    • Please check this information before you transport your watercraft into Wyoming as this information will be updated regularly. This site includes detailed information and a map of inspection facilities including locations, dates of operation, and hours of operation. Any watercraft transported into Wyoming from March 1 through November 30 must undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized inspector prior to launching in any water of the state. 
      See also: AIS Inspection Locations.

  • Watercraft Inspection Program

    • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

    • The Minnesota Watercraft Inspection Program was created in 1992, in response to legislation proposed by the DNR, Minnesota Lakes Associations, and angling groups. In 2011, legislation aimed at strengthening Minnesota's ability to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species was signed into law.

  • Watercraft Inspections

    • Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

    • Idaho's inspection stations are placed on major highways at or near the Idaho state line. The purpose of these stations is to inspect watercraft coming from outside of Idaho. Inspectors will look for high-risk boats that have been in quagga mussel and zebra mussel impacted states. Boats will be inspected for any attached mussels and/or standing water and owners also will be asked where they have boated in the previous 30 days. It is important that boaters arrive in Idaho with a clean, drained and dry watercraft.

  • Watercraft Inspections

    • Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.

    • ALL watercraft (motorized and nonmotorized) must stop at ALL watercraft inspection stations you encounter. Inspection stations are the first line of defense to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species.
      See also: - Protect Montana Waters from Aquatic Invasive Species

  • Watercraft Inspections in California and Vessel Restrictions

    • California Department of Parks and Recreation. Division of Boating and Waterways.

    • This list is provided as a courtesy by the State of California. Additional waterbodies may be conducting watercraft inspections that are not included in this list. Before traveling, boaters are encouraged to contact the managing agency to obtain current information on inspections or restrictions.

  • Waterway Access and Aquatic Invasive Species Permits

    • Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife.

    • Beginning January 1, 2020, the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Permit required for non-motorized boats 10 feet and longer will be replaced by a Waterway Access Permit. The AIS Permit will remain for out-of-state motorized boats and is included in Oregon boat registration fees.

  • Wisconsin Clean Boats, Clean Waters

    • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

    • Clean Boats, Clean Waters includes teams of volunteers, as well as some paid staff from the DNR, Sea Grant and other organizations. Boat inspectors help perform boat and trailer checks, disseminate informational brochures and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

  • The States of Invasion: How Does a Nonnative Species Transition to an Invader?

    • Jul 2022
    • University of Florida. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension.

    • Learn how to prevent introductions. This publication is written for the general public and describes why invasive species are an important issue in Florida and how nonnative species become invasive by moving through five stages of human-aided biological invasion (1) transport, (2) introduction, (3) establishment, (4) spread, and (5) negative impacts. The article also connects these stages to examples in Florida.
      Electronic Data Information Source Publication #SS-AGR-464

  • Montana Integrated Pest Management

    • Montana State University. Extension Service.

    • Working to reduce health and environmental risks from pest management, as well as improve practices, and increase Integrated Pest Management (IPM) adoption. Our focus areas involve tactics and tools for plant protection, enhancing agricultural biosecurity, and IPM for sustainable communities.  The program encompasses four areas; agronomic crops, communities, pest diagnostic facilities, and pesticide education.  The overall goal of the Integrated Pest Management program is to develop and deliver information on IPM practices in Montana.

  • Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions (requires login 🔒)

    • 2022
    • CABI Digital Library.

    • The first section of the book includes information about how tourism-related infrastructure and activities promote biological invasions, including key pathways for non-native invasive species introductions. This section provides case studies of different organisms that are known to be introduced and/or promoted by tourism in different ecosystems or regions. The second section elaborates on known and potential impacts of invasive species on tourism and recreation, including how they may affect, positively or negatively, the economic revenue from tourism, tourist access, recreation, aesthetic values and tourists’ perceptions. The last section focuses on management and policy, covering aspects of how visitors perceive invasive species and their willingness to manage them, biosecurity measures to prevent invasion related to tourism, as well as potential policy options moving forward. The book draws on a number of examples across multiple taxa, landscapes and regions of the world.

      Citation: Barros, A., Shackleton, R., Rew, L. J., Pizarro, C., Pauchard, A. (Eds.). (2022). Tourism, Recreation and Biological Invasions. CABI.