USGS published a dataset called "Catalog of U.S. Federal Early Detection/Rapid Response Invasive Species Databases and Tools." The catalog, developed in collaboration with the National Invasive Species Council Secretariat, is a multi-sheet spreadsheet that contains openly available, online, federally supported databases and tools dealing with various aspects of a potential national early detection and rapid response invasive species framework.
Citation: Simpson, A., Morisette, J.T., Fuller, P., Reaser, J., and Guala, G.F., 2020, Catalog of U.S. Federal Early Detection/Rapid Response Invasive Species Databases and Tools: Version 2.0 (ver. 2.0, 2020): U.S. Geological Survey data release,
See also: Dataset is also available in a user-friendly online version - Federal Early Detection/Rapid Response Invasive Species Resources: Overview & Vocabulary