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Education and Outreach

Provides selected Education and Outreach resources from agencies and organizations with an interest in the prevention, control, or eradication of invasive species.


  • Aquatic Invasive Species Education Project

    • Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

    • The goal of this project is to raise awareness about invasive species and to turn that awareness into action to prevent and to manage current and future invasions. The project consists of lesson plans and corresponding hands-on items designed to teach the story about invasive species. Each lesson plan has been aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core Standards, and Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards. Lesson plans in each module include activities for Grades 3-12.

  • Don't Pack a Pest

    • United States Department of Agriculture; DHS. Customs and Border Protection; Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; California Department of Food and Agriculture.

    • Don't Pack a Pest's goal is to educate travelers about the risks associated with carrying certain types of food, plants, or other agricultural items in passenger baggage and encouraging travelers to declare agricultural items and Don’t Pack a Pest. This inter-governmental program is working to safeguard food and agriculture in the U.S. and beyond.
      See also: Don't Pack a Pest Program (USDA)

  • Habitattitude - Animals and Plants in Classroom Education

    • Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service; DOC. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    • Pets in K-12 school classrooms can be valuable teaching assets. Caring for companion animals helps students to relate to species in their natural habitats while fostering a sense of environmental ethics. Provides information for planning for classroom pets, caring the classroom pets after the school year, how to protect the environment, and additional resources.

  • Habitattitude: Protect Our Environment (U.S.)

    • Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service; DOC. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    • Habits, Attitude, and Habitat—together they comprise Habitattitude. This educational campaign with the uncommon name addresses common concerns of private enterprise, state and federal natural resource agencies, and responsible pet owners: protecting our environment from the impacts of invasive species. Habitattitude seeks to inspire and empower people to explore the connection between responsible pet ownership and environmental stewardship.

      Habitattitude Prevents Pet Release in Wild  (June 12, 2019) announces the re-launch of the Habitattitude educational campaign. Habitattitude’s website provides guidance for proper pet selection and care, along with sections on aquarium fish and water gardening. The new section on reptiles and amphibians addresses the variety of species and basic considerations and requirements for habitat, diet and health concerns. Another new component focuses on animals and plants in classroom education, and caring for them outside the home environment, in response to concerns about the potential for classroom pets to be released at the end of a school year.

  • Hungry Pests - Educator Tools

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • Access a variety of curricula designed to make youth aware of invasive species and the damage they cause. There are lessons and resources – for both classroom and outdoors – that engage students in the process of discovery.
      See also: Service Learning Curriculum which includes toolkit and sample outreach plan to help engage educators and young people learn more about invasive pests

  • Hungry Pests - Media and Outreach Tools

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • Spread the word to help stop the spread of harmful invasive plant pests! Download, print, and use these materials in your state outreach efforts.

  • Spread the Word: African Swine Fever Resources

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • Help us spread the word to save the herd. These helpful resources on African swine fever are available to everyone with an interest in protecting our pigs. Please share the content with your networks and on your social and other channels.

  • Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! - Campaign Resources

    • Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers.

    • Welcome to the Campaign Resources section for Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!. This section provides resources to help achieve your goals of building awareness and increasing engagement. Resources include a graphics library, marketing showroom, and image library.

  • Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! - How You Can Help

    • Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers.

    • Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers is an ANS Task Force public awareness campaign intended to educate the public on aquatic nuisance species (ANS) and stop or reduce unintended spread of ANS to new habitat by recreational activities such as boating, fishing, swimming, waterfowl hunting, SCUBA diving or snorkeling, windsurfing, seaplane operations, personal watercraft use, and recreational bait harvesting. This campaign is supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the U.S. Coast Guard.

  • Watershed and Invasive Species Education

    • Oregon Sea Grant.

    • WISE offers teacher trainings, a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Based curriculum, and on-going teacher engagement in a community for learning and teaching about emerging watershed issues. Since launched started in 2007, the program has trained more than 70 teachers, reaching more than 4,500 students who have completed more than 50 stewardship projects.

Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this subject, organized by source.

Council or Task Force
  • Alien Invaders! Exotic Invasive Plant Activity Guide

    • Georgia Invasive Species Council.

    • This guide contains a collection of hands-on activities that are easy for teachers to use in the classroom and in the schoolyard. The curriculum is designed for kindergarten through 12th grade and most activities are tied to the Georgia Performance Standards. 

  • Don't Move Firewood - Firewood Hitchhikers Campaign

    • Oregon Invasive Species Council.

    • In 2010, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho launched a tri-state outreach campaign to inform the public about the dangers of moving firewood to Pacific Northwest forests. The campaign, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, closely followed the messaging of the national Don't Move Firewood campaign, which recommends buy firewood that was cut locally, preferably within the county or region of where it will be burned. The tri-state outreach campaign, Buy It Where You Burn It, encouraged good campfire practices with branded posters, billboards, and playing cards located at rest stops and state parks.

  • Educational Materials - School Curriculum

    • Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office. Washington Invasive Species Council.

  • For Educators

    • Invasive Species Council of British Columbia.

    • ISCBC's education resources support educators and students in environmental learning, outdoor field experiences and conservation in their communities. Invasive species, unlike many large-scale environmental issues, are something that youth can actually do something about, in a hands-on, experiential way! The following resources provide a range of activities that will engage your students, help them investigate invasive species and their impacts and take action to prevent their spread.

  • Games & Activities

    • Invasive Species Council of British Columbia.

    • Invasive species are a real threat to British Columbia’s amazing natural environment. With the right education about invasive species early on, we can hope our youth will hit the ground running. These fun games, video and activities for kids help break down the issues around invasive species and their impacts.

  • Hawaii Invasive Species Awareness Month

    • Hawaii Invasive Species Council.

    • Hawaii Invasive Species Awareness Month (February) seeks to promote information sharing and public engagement in what the Hawaii State Legislature has declared "the single greatest threat to Hawaii's economy and natural environment and to the health and lifestyle of Hawaii’s people."

  • Washington Invasive Species Awareness Week

    • Washington Invasive Species Council.

    • In conjunction with National Invasive Species Awareness Week, Governor Jay Inslee proclaimed the same week (February 26-March 3, 2024) as Washington Invasive Species Awareness Week to raise awareness and find preventative solutions for invasive species.

  • Washington Invasive Species Council Campaigns

    • Washington Invasive Species Council.

    • Prevention and early detection of invasive species depends upon the help of the public, industry partners, and policymakers. The council has helped developed tools and regional messaging that have successfully raised public awareness about invasive species, their impacts on native ecosystems, and the steps people can take to prevent the spread of invasive species. Campaigns include:

      • Buy it Where you Burn it
      • Call Before You Haul
      • Clean, Drain, Dry
      • Don’t Let it Loose
      • Don’t Pack a Pest
      • Play, Clean, Go
      • Safeguard Our Shellfish
      • Squeal on Pigs!
  • Don't Move Firewood - Highlights: States with Excellent Firewood Outreach

    • Jun 1, 2022
    • Nature Conservancy.

    • Provides great examples of consistency and thoroughness in their outreach on firewood and forest health.

  • Strategies Identified for Successful Outreach to Reduce the Spread of Forest Pests on Firewood

    • Aug 1, 2022
    • Nature Conservancy. Don't Move Firewood.

    • Collaborative study determines effective messengers, language choices, and modes of delivery for disseminating educational information on how firewood choices can impact forest health. A recent study done in collaboration between The Nature Conservancy’s Don’t Move Firewood campaign and researchers from Clemson University showed that most people in the U.S. don’t know firewood can harbor invasive forest insects and diseases, but when targeted education materials are used effectively, they can learn and are likely to change their behavior.

  • Major League Fishing and Wildlife Forever Sign MOU to Prevent Invasive Species

    • Aug 11, 2021
    • Wildlife Forever.

    • Wildlife Forever and Major League Fishing (MLF) announced that the two organizations have signed an important Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to combat the spread of invasive species. The new MOU will work to integrate Clean Drain Dry communications and marketing through tournament operations, angler education, and community outreach. Professional anglers are ambassadors for the fishing industry but also key conservationists in working to protect the sport. Integrating the Clean Drain Dry Initiative brand with professional anglers will give them the right tools to prevent spread and inspire their followers and fans to do the same.

  • The Invasive Species Coloring Book [PDF, 5.27 MB]

    • 2017
    • Western New York Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management.

    • See also: Educational Resources for more information

  • Living in an Ecosystem Near You: Invasive Alien Species [PDF, 334 KB]

  • Natural Inquirer - Invasive Species Edition [PDF, 11.3 MB]

    • 2006
    • USDA. Forest Service; FIND Outdoors.

    • In this edition of Natural Inquirer, you will learn about several different invasive species. You will learn about how these invasive species spread and the studies that scientists conduct to better understand and stop the spread of invasive species. After this Natural Inquirer edition, you will be able to help spread the word about what invasive species are and how to control them! 
      See also: Invasive Species Issue for more information.

  • AIM - Outreach Resources

    • Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace.

    • A variety of organizations have developed educational materials on AIM. They can be used to learn more and teach others about these harmful plants and animals.

  • Alien Detectives

    • Scottish Invasive Species Initiative.

    • Here you'll find presentations, activities, worksheets, quizzes, crafts, puzzles and games, all themed around invasive alien species and the river environment which can all be downloaded and shared. There is an introductory presentation to start you off and all activities have notes and answer sheets to help you along – so you don’t need any prior knowledge to use and enjoy them. The activities can be done in groups e.g. a school class but many can be completed individually at home or in the outdoors

  • Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace (AIM)

    • Aquatic Invaders in the Marketplace.

    • Provides individuals with the information and tools they need to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species commonly found in trade. Water gardeners, aquarium hobbyists, retailers, anglers, teachers, wholesalers and more can use these resources to learn about invasive species and identify alternative organisms that are safe to buy and sell.

  • Be a Hero, Transport Zero

    • Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program; Illinois Natural History Survey; Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

    • Invasive species – non-native plants, animals, or pathogens that cause harm to natural areas – impact both our economy and the environment. Their environmental impacts can affect outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking and birding. You can help prevent these impacts by becoming a hero and joining the more than 90% of outdoor enthusiasts in Illinois who are already fighting the spread of invaders.

  • Be Plant Wise

    • Great Britain Non-Native Species Secretariat.

    • The Be Plant Wise campaign, launched by Defra and the Scottish Government, is designed to raise awareness among gardeners, pond owners and retailers of the damage caused by invasive aquatic plants and to encourage the public to dispose of these plants correctly. We have developed resources with advice for gardeners and pond owners and are working closely with retailers of aquatic plants to provide information in stores. These pages contain the detailed information you need to Be Plant Wise.

  • Citizen Carp Control

    • Wildlife Forever.

    • The Citizen Carp Control is a national public awareness campaign working to educate, empower, and advocate for enhanced control and removal of invasive carps.

  • Digital Downloads - Resources for Teachers

    • Ontario's Invading Species Awareness Program (Canada).

  • Don't Let It Loose

    • Don't Let It Loose.

    • Learn about responsible pet ownership and why it’s important to prevent the release of pets into the wild. Since 2012, Don't Let it Loose has been working to provide responsible rehoming information to pet owners who, for one reason or another, need to find another home for their pet. Don’t Let it Loose is managed by Invasive Species Action Network with support from the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. The project works with state governments and independent pet stores to publicize options for pet owners who are no longer able or willing to care for their exotic pets.
      See also: Don't Let It Loose

  • Don't Move Firewood

    • Nature Conservancy.

    • Discover the importance of using local firewood to avoid spreading harmful forest pests. The Don’t Move Firewood campaign is an outreach partnership managed by The Nature Conservancy. The overarching goal of the campaign is to protect trees and forests all across North America from invasive insects and diseases that can travel in or on contaminated firewood. The central tenet of the Don’t Move Firewood campaign is that everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread of invasive tree killing insects and diseases, through making better informed firewood choices. For more information on how you can do your part, please see Frequently Asked Questions.

      • Firewood Month Toolkit -- During Firewood Month (October), reduce firewood movement to slow the spread of forest pests and diseases via the firewood pathway.
      • Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Weed Toolkit -- During Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week (May 19-26, 2024) everyone is encouraged to take a few minutes to learn about the signs and symptoms of emerald ash borer infestation on ash trees so that the infestations can be better managed by local tree professionals and foresters.
  • Don't Move Firewood - Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week Toolkit

    • Nature Conservancy.

    •  Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week is in May each year. Provides outreach materials for EAB EAB Awareness Week.

  • Don't Move Firewood - Toolbox

  • Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz

    • Great Lakes Commission.

    • The Great Lakes AIS "Landing Blitz" is a multi-agency partnership effort and events take place over a two-week period (June 26-July 6, 2024), emphasizing the need to Clean, Drain, Dry boats whenever they come out of the water, and Dispose of any unwanted bait in the trash. Local volunteers partner with state and provincial agencies to deliver consistent messaging about preventing the introduction and spread of AIS from the movement of watercraft and equipment between water bodies. Information on these events, including educational materials, locations and volunteer opportunities are posted on the Landing Blitz page as they become available.

  • Habitattitude - What are Invasive Species?

    • Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council; DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service; DOC. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

  • Idaho Weed Awareness Campaign

    • Idaho Weed Awareness Campaign.

  • Invasive Species Action Network

    • Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN).

    • The Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN) is dedicated to reducing the human-caused spread of aquatic invasive species. ISAN provides solutions to invasive species problems by working with the public, private industry and government entities. They focus on scientific research, education and outreach programs as well as policy development.
      See also: Outreach Programs which tackle a variety of demographics, including boaters, anglers, and pet owners. These partnerships leverage strong community ties into action.

  • Invasive Species Action Network - Virtual Classroom

    • Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN).

    • The lessons ISAN has developed can be used in the classroom as stand-alone topics, supplement classroom concepts, but also these lessons are for the curious learner who just wants to open the door and learn about topics on invasive species and water.

  • Invasive Species Prevention: Clean. Drain. Dry.

    • Wildlife Forever.

    • Wildlife Forever has teamed up with more than 2,500 organizations across the nation, including Federal, State, and Canadian organizations, to stop the spread of invasive species with the Clean. Drain. Dry. initiative. This national campaign educates outdoor recreational users on how to prevent the spread of invasive species. Strategic communications, marketing, outreach and educational services provide access to consistent messaging and resources for local communities to implement prevention programs.

  • Invasives Free USA

    • Invasives Free USA is a new campaign focused on building collaborative partnerships to protect important natural areas from invasive species. Invasives Free USA works to create initiatives to protect both large and small landscapes to keep them free of invasive species to support the restoration of natural habitat, plants and wildlife. Inspired by the Predator Free 2050 program from New Zealand, this campaign requires local engagement and organization to prevent and control invasive species.

  • Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign

    • Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign.

  • National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW)

    • National Invasive Species Awareness Week.

    • National Invasive Species Awareness Week (February 24-28, 2025) is an international event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what can be done to prevent their spread. Representatives from local, state, federal, and regional organizations discuss legislation, policies, and improvements that can be made to prevent and manage invasive species via webinars. Across the country, partners hold public events to educate the public and elected officials about how they can help to stop the spread of invasive species. Register for free educational webinars on priority invasive species issues during NISAW.

  • National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) - Outreach Toolkit

    • National Invasive Species Awareness Week.

    • National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) is a nationwide event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what people can do to prevent their spread. NISAW toolkit provides templates for sharing invasive species outreach with the local media as well as ideas for creative ways to engage your local community on invasive species.

  • Never Dump Your Tank


    • Dumping anything out of an aquarium—fish, animals, and plants—can have devastating consequences for natural waterbodies. This is true for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Never dump them into a natural body of water or flush them down the toilet.

  • New York Invasive Species Awareness Week

    • New York Invasive Species Information.

    • The mission of the New York Invasive Species Awareness Week (June 3-9, 2024) is to promote knowledge and understanding of invasive species and the harm they can cause by engaging citizens in a wide range of activities across the state, and empowering them to take action to help stop the spread. This annual education campaign is comprised of various outreach initiatives and events led by partner organizations statewide. Activities include interpretive hikes, invasive plant removal, and restoration projects, displays, webinars, radio and television programming, and more.

  • Pollinator Week

    • Pollinator Partnership.

    • National Pollinator Week (June 17-23, 2024) is a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what you can do to protect them. In 2007, the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval and designation of a week in June as “National Pollinator Week” marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. 

      Pollinator Week 2024 is a celebration of the vital role that pollinators play in our ecosystems, economies, and agriculture. Under the inspiring theme "Vision 2040: Thriving ecosystems, economies, and agriculture," this year's event urges us to envision a future where pollinators not only survive but thrive. These essential creatures, including bees, butterflies, moths, bats, beetles, and hummingbirds, are the unsung heroes behind the food we enjoy and the beauty that surrounds us.
      See also: USDA Recognizes National Pollinator Week (Jun 17, 2024)

  • Spread the Word


    • Tell your friends and family about invasive species! Share videos, brochures, photos and other materials. Texas is a big state, and we can't get the word out to everyone without your help. You can either fill out the form to order them, or you can download versions from this website.

  • Stop the Little Fire Ant


    • Little fire ants (LFA) may be tiny, but they pack a powerful sting. Native to South America, these speck-sized invaders have hitchhiked across the Pacific, hidden in imported goods, establishing new populations in islands like Hawai'i. Much smaller than the average ant, LFA are about as long as a penny is thick. Little fire ants may have reached our shores, but we can't treat it like "just another ant." LFA are considered one of the World's 100 Worst Invasive Species (IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group), because of their ability to reach very high numbers, to the point where people and animals can't avoid stings. It's up to each of us to Spot The Ant and Stop the Ant. Report little fire ants today.
      See also: October is "Stop the Ant Month": Help Find the Hidden Ants of Hawai'i (Sep 29, 2023)

  • Take Action

    • United Soybean Board.

    • Take Action is a farmer-focused education platform designed to help farmers manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. The goal is to encourage farmers to adopt management practices that lessen the impacts of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology.

Federal Government
  • Guard Your Green: Invasive Plant Pests Threaten Your Community’s Trees and Gardens

    • Apr 5, 2024
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) proclaims April 2024 as Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. During this month, we are encouraging everyone—whether you’re a gardener or a camper, a bug enthusiast or a student, a traveler, or an online shopper—to learn about the danger of invasive plant pests and what you can do to help. During the month, we are sharing information on curbing the spread of these pests to foster a healthier environment and protect our food supply.
      See also: A Proclamation by the Secretary of Agriculture for 2024 Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month [PDF, 189 KB]

  • USDA Asks Americans to Protect Plants by Looking for Invasive Pests in April

    • Apr 4, 2023
    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is declaring April 2023 Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month (IPPDAM). This national outreach month is dedicated to highlighting the impact of invasive plant pests and diseases on plants nationwide and informing Americans how they can help reduce their spread. IPPDAM aims to raise public awareness about the threat and how U.S. residents can help protect U.S. resources from hungry pests.

  • Assessing Risk Communication in the Pet and Aquarium Trade

    • Jan 18, 2023
    • DOI. United States Geological Survey.

    • Provides an analysis of outreach and engagement efforts.
      See also: Geonarratives for all USGS geonarrative / story map resources

  • APHIS Campaign: Check Trees for Asian Longhorned Beetle

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • Public outreach and educational site (former site).

  • APHIS Campaign: Defend the Flock Program

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • APHIS offers the Defend the Flock education program to provide the tools and resources you need to make sure that you are doing everything possible to keep your birds healthy and reduce the risk that an infectious disease will spread from your property to other flocks. Biosecurity is the key to keeping our Nation’s poultry healthy!

  • APHIS Campaign: Defend the Flock Program - Resource Center

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • The Defend the Flock program provides information and resources from USDA and other experts for keeping poultry healthy. It includes practical tips from growers like you, veterinarians, state agencies, scientists, and industry professionals for practicing biosecurity every day. Biosecurity is a team effort. We have to work together to defend our nation’s flocks. Resources include information needed to practice good biosecurity is available here -- checklists, resource guides, videos, and other tools.

  • APHIS Campaign: Hungry Pests

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • When it comes to preventing the spread of invasive pests, every one of us can play a big role. By doing the right things we can all help stop this threat to so much that we value. Please do your part and learn what you can do to "leave Hungry Pests behind."

  • Educator Resources: Invasive Species

    • DOI. National Park Service.

  • Non-native Invasive Species - Communication Tools

    • USDA. FS. Eastern Region.

    • Templates for fields guides, brochures, pamphlets, outdoor signs to be used to create quality materials to increase awareness and protection.

  • Non-native Invasive Species Learning Kit

    • USDA. FS. Eastern Region.

    • Interactive Non-native Invasive Species learning kits are available to educate pre-school to adult groups about non-native invasive plants and animals.

  • Protect Our Pigs: Fight African Swine Fever

    • USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

    • African swine fever is a deadly pig disease that spreads rapidly and affects domestic and wild swine. While not a threat to human health, the virus could devastate America’s swine, pork industry, and food supply. Whatever pigs mean to you—your livelihood or a pet—we’re all in it together. Protect our swine and keep the disease out of the United States.

International Government
  • Mission Biosecurity

    • New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (Australia).

    • The departments of agriculture and primary industries across Australia have proudly partnered with Costa Georgiadis of Gardening Australia to develop a suite of interactive and digital resources which showcase the importance of biosecurity across Australia. Join us on Mission: Biosecurity. As you Watch, Play & Listen, you’ll discover what Biosecurity is, how it can impact our way of life and how we can all help protect our environment, community and economy from biosecurity baddies. ​ Biosecurity – Be a part of it!

State and Local Government
  • Invasive Species Handbook: A Resource for Educators - Grades 3-8

    • Dec 2022
    • Utah State University Extension; United States Department of Agriculture.

    • This handbook includes six chapters that discuss invasive species and their environmental, economic, and health impacts. It also reviews pathways of invasive species spread and prevention, monitoring, and control. The handbook is a resource for educators teaching children in grades 3 through 8. Learning objectives, activities, and vocabulary are also included.

  • Invasive Plants: Impact on Environment and People

    • Apr 2017
    • Purdue University (Indiana). Extension.

    • This Nature of Teaching lesson teaches students about the significant environmental and economic losses that can be caused by the introduction of invasive plant species. It includes a game that can be played in class, plus a worksheet. The lesson meets multiple Indiana science, natural resources, math, and social studies standards

  • Nonindigenous Species Activities for Youth [PDF, 625 KB]

    • Nov 2015
    • Mississippi State University. Extension Service.

    • This manual contains three types of activities. First there are introductory, or awareness-building, activities. The second type focuses on both beneficial and detrimental characteristics of exotics. And finally there are activities intended as reinforcers. The best advantage can be gained from this set by selecting at least one introductory activity and several from the second set and following up with routine monitoring of a nonindigenous species in your community.

  • IPM Curriculum K-6 - Exploring School Integrated Pest Management: Activities and Resources for Teaching K-6

    • Michigan State University. Integrated Pest Management Program.

    • This curriculum provides background information, hands-on activities, worksheets and links to additional sites that teachers can utilize to engage students in formal and informal real-world settings. While some of the lessons build on previous learning, most of the lessons can stand-alone. IPM can be used as a theme in the classroom for an entire year, or as enrichment to regular classroom activities.

  • Aquatic Invaders Attack Pack

    • University of Wisconsin Sea Grant.

    • The Aquatic Invaders Attack Pack is filled with materials to help teach groups about Great Lakes aquatic invasive species (AIS), the problems they cause and what can be done about them. Each pack includes preserved specimens of some of the most problematic AIS in the Great Lakes, rugged plastic fact sheets and a classroom guide. Additional materials are available for download.

  • Aquatic Invasions! A Menace to the West

    • Oregon Sea Grant.

    • The materials found here are part of Menace to the West, an educational resource for teachers, informal educators, parents, and students on aquatic invasive species. These materials are designed to teach K-12 students how invasive species can do untold damage when they move to new territory. Kits, resources, and full lessons are available.

  • Classroom Resources: Searchable Table of Lesson Plans

    • Michigan State University. W.K. Kellogg Biological Station.

    • Lesson plans are searchable using "invasive" as a keyword.

  • Curriculum & Activities

    • Illinios-Indiana College Sea Grant Program.

    • To prepare students to be responsible decision-makers and future leaders, IISG has developed education programs that engage students in experiential practices to promote a sustainable society.

  • Educational Materials

    • University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Nebraska Invasive Species Program.

    • Each category includes relevant educational materials such as powerpoints, videos, and lesson plans that are helpful to educators in any classroom setting.

  • Florida Invasive Plant Education Initiative - Teacher Resources

    • University of Florida. IFAS. Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.

    • Provides educators with the information and resources they need to teach about the benefits of Florida's native plants and the harmful impacts that some invasive, non-native plants are having on our natural areas and neighborhoods. Includes four core modules with related lessons and accompanying materials useful in the classroom.

  • Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species and Climate Change K-12 Curriculum

    • Pennsylvania State University. Pennsylvania Sea Grant.

    • Pennsylvania and New York Sea Grants worked together with funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to compile 10 lesson plans focusing on the potential interactions between aquatic invasive species and the changing climate.

  • Reduce Invasive Pet and Plant Escapes (RIPPLE)

    • Michigan State University Extension.

    • The Reduce Invasive Pet and Plant Escapes (RIPPLE) program offers information to aquarium and water gardener professionals, retailers and hobbyists about what to do with unwanted plants and animals so they are not introduced into Michigan's lakes and streams.

  • Don’t Let It Loose!

    • Invasive Species Centre (Ontario).

    • Owning a pet or an aquarium can be an exciting and fulfilling hobby – but it also comes with responsibility! Domestic pets like fishes, invertebrates, aquatic plants, reptiles, amphibians, or mammals can become invasive when released into natural environments. The best practice in preventing the spread of invasive species is to not let it loose!

  • Invasive Species Tools and Resources

    • Wildlife Forever.

    • Wildlife Forever provides many full scale, turn-key, media, marketing and advertising services. Industry contacts save partners time while taking advantage of deep discounts. Wildlife Forever also pools funds to coordinate regional and multi-agency outreach programs. Wildlife Forever is committed to stopping the spread of invasive species with the necessary resources to provide outreach and educational materials, as well as an extensive network of partners with specialized skills and high impact marketing services for on-the-ground strategies targeting recreational users.

  • National Public Lands Day

    • National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF).

    • The 30th annual National Public Lands Day (NPLD) is on September 28, 2024! National Public Lands Day was established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September. This designated day is traditionally the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort and is focused on resilience and restoration. Volunteers can plant trees and native vegetation, build and refurbish trails, remove trash and invasive plants, repair bridges, restore historic structures, monitor endangered species, and restore habitats. Volunteer and find a NPLD event near you. See also:

  • Play Clean Go - Outreach Freebies

    • North America Invasive Species Management Association.

    • These invasive species education materials make it easier to tell your followers about invasive species. Download and schedule for your invasive species outreach on web and social media! Provides videos, images, rack cards, and infographics for your invasive species outreach!

  • Play Clean Go: Stop Invasive Species in Your Tracks

    • North American Invasive Species Management Association.

    • The annual PlayCleanGo Awareness Week (June 1-8, 2024) will be held across North America. The goal of the campaign is to show outdoor enthusiasts how they can stop invasive plants and pests from spreading — while enjoying the great outdoors.

      PlayCleanGo is an education and outreach campaign for outdoor recreationalists in North America. The goal is to encourage outdoor recreation while protecting valuable natural resources. The objective is to slow or stop the spread of terrestrial invasive species (those that occur on land) through changes in public behavior. See how you can take action and stop invasive species in your tracks.
      See also: 2023 PlayCleanGo Awareness Week National Press Release [PDF, 63 KB]

  • Play Clean Go: Work.Clean.Go.

    • North American Invasive Species Management Association.

    • As a resource professional (construction, agriculture, horticulture/growers, road crews) you see firsthand what invasive species can do to the landscape, so it is important that you remain vigilant in your own prevention actions. You and the work that you do as an outdoor professional play a crucial role to the success of biodiversity and reducing the spread of invasive species. Learn how you can prevent the spread of invasive species.

  • Rapid Response Kit

    • Wildlife Forever.

    • With this new kit, Wildlife Forever gives agencies, organizations and communities across the country the tools to quickly communicate about an infestation. This kit will help you send out an urgent warning that a local lake has been infested with a specific Aquatic Invasive Species, and educate the affected public as to what they can – and should – do in this event to help prevent the further spread of the species.

  • Stop the Invasion Fact Sheet Set

    • California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom.

    • With the Stop the Invasion Fact Sheet Set, students will read about six different invasive species, the damage they cause and how to stop their spread. The accompanying lessons and activities are aligned to California Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. This resource was funded through a Specialty Crop Block grant from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).

  • The Great Chesapeake Invasives Count

    • Coastal Conservation Association Maryland.

    • Report your catch of invasive fish species (northern snakehead, blue catfish, flathead catfish) in the Chesapeake Watershed for a chance to win great prizes! The Great Chesapeake Invasives Count is an annual angling-based effort (April 1, 2024-March 31, 2025)  to provide important data to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, USFWS, and other management agencies on what you're seeing on the water. Information related to the number of fish you catch during a given time, as well as the length and weight of the fish you catch is important to fishery managers. It is also vital to investigate the feeding habits of invasive fish to help understand the short and long-term impacts that their existence may cause on native species. It is important that the public recognizes the impacts that these species can have on our natural ecosystems, and does not continue the spread of these fish.